Source: Hal Turner
Date: February 24, 2025

French President Emmanuel Macron arrived at the White House at about 9:00 AM local time and already got the heads-up about his visit: No President Trump outside to greet him.
The Trump White House is very clear about who is welcome and who will merely be received. When a visitor is welcome, Trump is seen waiting outside the White House portal to greet the visitor as they exit their car. When a visitor is merely being tolerated, President Trump is NOT outside; just a staffer or two greets such a visitor.
Macron got the Staffer this morning.
It is already widely known that Macron wants the US to continue the Ukraine war with Russia. His words will likely fall upon deaf ears.
President Trump campaigned on stopping that war, and is now actively taking steps to achieve precisely that. The notion that, of all people the French President, can come to the White House to change US direction is almost laughable.
After it became public in 2022 that then-French President Francois Hollande attended the Minsk Conference in Belarus, with the deliberate intent to deceive Russia in order to buy time for Ukraine to arm for war, Trump knows the French government under Macron absolutely cannot be trusted.
They were willing to intentionally deceive the leader of one super power, Russia. It therefore follows they are also likely willing to deceive the leader of another super power, the USA. Trump will likely have none of that.