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Leaked TOP SECRET Documents Show Israel to Attack Iran Nuclear Sites "Early March"

Source: Hal Turner

Date: March 2. 2025

Purportedly "Leaked" Classified: TOP SECRET Documents circulating on the website 4chan, say that Israel will conduct a large scale military "pre-emptive" attack against Iran nuclear sites "as early as" this week.

The authenticity of the documents cannot be confirmed, but after initial analyses it seems likely that it is indeed a leaked, CLASSIFIED, TOP-SECRET document.

The "leak" appears in three (3) separate images uploaded to the publicly-accessible website 4chan.  The first page appears to be the summary page, outlining that US Intelligence has "CONFIRMED" Israel is in its final planning stage for a major military "Aerial Assault" and a "Cyber Offensive" attack upon Iran nuclear sites, to take place in "early March."

The next two images leaked on 4Chan appear to be of a Page Two from the same leaked document, outlining which Iranian nuclear sites are to be attacked:

and this other image:

At 8:12 AM Saturday, 01 March 2025, I received Legal Counsel from one of my Attorneys via cell phone Text message confirming that since ". . . I am not the person responsible for the leak, and the information has been published online and is publicly available on the Internet, I am free to not only reproduce it, but to comment and engage in my journalistic first amendment rights."



The so-called "Deep State" intent on causing a nuclear, World War 3, watched their plans to do so via Ukraine, vanish into thin air yesterday at the White House, when Trump threw Zelensky out.

So, they have a "Plan B."  Israel attacking Iran.

They have known for quite some time that Russia backs Iran, so they made approaches to Russia so as to lure them in to the hope of re-establishing peaceful relations with the US, but now it seems that may have been, and I emphasize "MAY HAVE BEEN" a ruse.

Dangling a sort of carrot in front of Russia to see "normalcy" restored to their worldwide relations, might be a powerful inducement for Russia to "sit-this-one-out" as Israel goes for the gusto, and attacks Iran.

Make no mistake, another Israeli attack upon Iran would be an act of unprovoked war.   Iran has NOT attacked Israel, yet Israel has attacked Iran and gotten away with it.

And that fact, that they got away with it, is what is driving the coming attack.   

Because the Iranians did NOT respond to the initial Israeli attack, the Israelis are emboldened to strike again, and now, it appears they will.

Moreover, the fact that the Prime Minister of Israel, along with other Israeli officials, are under Indictment at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and/or the International Criminal Court (ICC) for charges related to Genocide in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank, but no enforcement of the arrest warrant is being enforced, also emboldens Israel.

Finally, the fact that actual law is not enforced against Israel further emboldened them to invade southern Lebanon and also to overthrow the Government of Syria and partially invade that country as well.

Since the law is not being applied against Israel, it seems clear to me that some in the Intelligence Community have decided that the law doesn't matter when it comes to revealing Classified info ABOUT Israel.

The failure to reign-in the violent, aggressive, almost Rabid Israelis, has lead to the revelation of Classified Documents about Israel's pending attack upon Iran, which will now complicate, or perhaps neutralize, the coming Israeli attack upon Iran.

It's hard to feel sorry for the Israelis; for decades they've hidden behind the "Holocaust" telling the world they're perpetual victims, while at the same time, those same Israelis perpetrate multiple, aggressive military attacks upon other people and other nations.

Normal people seem to have gotten tired of the reckless double-standard when it comes to Israel, claiming its a victim while always being the attacker. 

Normal people also seem to be tired of the useful idiots in government who buy-into these falsehoods and turn a deliberate blind eye to what has now become actual Genocide in Gaza.   

Of course, not all of government are Useful idiots, some of them are co-conspirators: The ELECTED politicians whose political campaigns are financed by Jewish money, turn a deliberate blind eye - or openly support these violent Israeli actions -- so they can continue getting that campaign money and thereby remain in power.   I believe the term for such elected political people might be "Whores."

So here we are, facing the outbreak of nuclear, World War 3 (Again) because the savages in Israel want to attack Iran.

If such an attack takes place, Russia can be relied upon to do what they think is right.  When that happens, I believe the world will shortly begin to see bright, white, flashes.

Could be only days away.


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